Money Saving Plan

In Jon's Blog he wrote:
In anticipation of higher gas prices, I decided to buy my gas now. I bought 250 gallons. That should get me through the summer. IÂll feel pretty good knowing I only spent $2.89.9 instead of $3.15.9 or what ever the summer price ends up being.
Well...I have a money saving plan of my own. This is now Sally Anne writing, the Great Aunt of Noah, Angelina and now Christian.
I have been obsessing about bio-diesel and WVO for a couple years now. BioDiesel is not a money saver, as it is more expensive than regular diesel, BUT - - it doesn't pollute like gasoline or DinoDiesel. Several of my friends are running around in trendy VW TDI's, (turbo diesel Injection) smelling like popcorn. My friend Mary gets a jillion mpg in her little golf TDI. Lots of folks are driving old cool Mercedes, so many that they are now hard to find for sale and the prices are going up. A lot.
Anyway...I was thinking since I am now going to have to drive all around the state visiting farmers markets this summer, and I am looking forward to that quite a bit, I want to drive a car that needs a war to fuel it. This brings me to Jim and Norma. Jim and Norma are 63 and 60,and are getting married on Ellie's birthday this May14th, also mother's day by the way. He put on Craigslist he was selling a Peugeot for sale. I wrote him a note that included my signature file with my fancy title of Ex Dir. on it. He called me and tried to talk me out of his car, gave me his mechanic's number who also plays French Horn for I think the Seattle Symphony. Nice English fellow who hates Peugeots, but continues to work on them.
Anyway, I called up Jim the other night and ended up talking to him and his wife for an hour on the phone about New Zealand, living out on the Olympic Penn, physics and spirituality.
I am driving out this Tuesday and he is selling me his car for several hundred dollars less than he was asking. And all because he likes farmers markets and wants me to advertise biodiesel around the state.
This isn't really about saving money after all. It was fuel related though.
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