Monday, October 16, 2006


Today I was saved by a real live Jehovah's witness who gave me a flyer about how the false religions allow homosexuals become ordained(!!) and other idolerty.

I was driving along in my oh so under maintained 1982 Peugeot Turbo Diesel, of the Bio sort, going up a hill, and then down when I notice first steam coming out of my car and then I noticed a bright read light on my dash that read :Stop So I pulled over on I90 and stopped. Not really knowing what to do. I sat a moment. Popped the hood and looked at the engine. I put a cloth over the radiator reservoire, feeling cleaver, and loosened it. Then all hell broke loose, if hell consists of very hot steam. I didn't burn myself. I thought. Hum, it looks like coolant is called for. I was 24 miles from Yakiburg, or Ellensma, or Ellensburg. I considered driving it but I knew, after blowing out two engines doing just that in my 26 years of driving, I thought three is the charm. I won't do that again. I waited a bit hoping someone would stop by with a lot of cold water of coolant. After about 5 minutes an older black fellow, notable in these parts for people of any color other than pink are rare as hensteeth, pulled over. He drove an old beater filled with tools. He gave me a few bottles of water he dug out, having spent a considerable time looking for them. I thanked him. During the search another truck, this time new, came up with a little white dog and a less little wife. He didn't have any coolant either. But he said he would drive back and get some. Awfully neighborly, I'd say. Joe, the first fellow, came to my car while I was waiting for Jim, the second fellow to get the coolant. Joe had just repacked his very full old pickup after looking for water for me. Anyway, he came and said he thought I might want to read this while I was waiting. Here is a link to my reading material. Well, it was something like that but with more color and more gay bashing.

When Jim came back, he told me he was Lutheran. He told me because I said I had a meeting in Ellensburg at the Lutheran Church. So I was saved by One Jehovah's witness and One Lutheran.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You think someones trying to tell you something? Hmmm...


5:54 PM PDT  

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