Bad Guy

I was meeting a friend for dinner in the I.D. (that is P.C for Chinatown) and was talking to my brother when I parked my pickup that has a cap on it. Anyway, I noticed a fellow behind, and I mean RIGHT behind, the truck, going through something. I mentioned this to Jon and said I wanted him to go away and also wondered if he knew I was in the truck or not. To alert him of my presence and my desire for him to move along, I honked my horn, which was kinda not too impressive as it is a Mazda. It it went, "beep." Jon heard it. He can attest to its lack of umph. It most definitely Not the big, "Get the Hell-Out-of-Here-Honk that I was going for.
But alas, he walked around the front of the truck and shoved a bunch of cash in his pocket. About the same time came several police cars. I hung up rather abruptly on Jon and got out of the truck to find an unfamiliar backpack behind my truck. I went up to an out of breath police lady and said I thought the person they might be looking for, "Went Thata Way." She told me that they caught him and if I would mind, please stay to make a statement. I did and talked to a short little fellow about the bad guy and how I stayed in my tuck and watched as he rifled through, what I now know, not to be his backpack. He looked just like the bad guy in the picture I have included except he wore his hair reallllly short, had a beard, was brown, no hat and no machine gun.
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