Latest Obsession
While my obsession with boats continues, especially those one can conceivably live upon, I now am also interested in the Chris Craft's land loving cousins, the vintage travel trailers. I also have a deep and abiding love of treehouses, outbuildings and the like. I think I may be channeling Virginia Wolfe's desire for a room of one's own.
The challenge I face in this life is combining my latest obsession(s), hobby, interest, distraction with something practical. Since I about to be "Home Free" (- - sounds better than homeless- don't you think?) I need a place to store all of my tools. Storage is expensive, garages are not commonplace in the older neighborhoods, so I started to look into a utility trailer. Also expensive. It was there that I stumbled upon the idea of finding an old used travel trailer- a camper, a van as they say on the other side o' the pond.
Now nothing makes one want something more than it's complete unavailability or competition for said thing.. I am most attracted to married people with a child on the way about to move to South Africa for instance. I'd be sure that I have just lost the love of my life. Same goes for stuff. A posting an hour old, already got a zillion responses. I wrote-- "yes, it might be spoken for, but did they offer you limericks?"
Now there are limerick people and there are people who have good taste. Luckily, T and K were limerick people. I figured they might be cause, after all, they had a trailer.
I wrote the woman who made the post, who talked to her, "friend" and got back the following:
The challenge I face in this life is combining my latest obsession(s), hobby, interest, distraction with something practical. Since I about to be "Home Free" (- - sounds better than homeless- don't you think?) I need a place to store all of my tools. Storage is expensive, garages are not commonplace in the older neighborhoods, so I started to look into a utility trailer. Also expensive. It was there that I stumbled upon the idea of finding an old used travel trailer- a camper, a van as they say on the other side o' the pond.
Now nothing makes one want something more than it's complete unavailability or competition for said thing.. I am most attracted to married people with a child on the way about to move to South Africa for instance. I'd be sure that I have just lost the love of my life. Same goes for stuff. A posting an hour old, already got a zillion responses. I wrote-- "yes, it might be spoken for, but did they offer you limericks?"
Now there are limerick people and there are people who have good taste. Luckily, T and K were limerick people. I figured they might be cause, after all, they had a trailer.
I wrote the woman who made the post, who talked to her, "friend" and got back the following:
I just showed this to the owner....she likes to write limericks. She laughed and said .. "Ask her to write a limerick for each of the four seasons and I'll take $25.00 off the selling price."
So, at 11:23 at night, I wrote:
Burrrrh! we are chilled to the bone
The crocuses have yet to bemoan
The soil it is frozen
it was I who was chosen
in this yard I must find sandy loam
In the Spring I am asked to create
An Eden! or something ornate
Their desire is real
In Spring with such Zeal
I'll do it- - cause they are sedate
There once was a snail named King Lear
In his shell he had nothing to fear
He ate and he ate
the sweet herbs --he'd eviscerate
all was well
'til he fell
In the Beer
In a trailer this fall I'll contemplate
My navel, your garden, my fate
Funky must do
for I cannot pay for new
My friends in Oly* will capitulate
*Oly- Olympia
My friend Mara said, "While they are not funny, I find myself laughing anyway. "
High praise for a limerick.
Here is a Photo:
Naming Contest will commence soon.
Now, you may be looking at trailer trash - trash. (note cat door and steps)
I am seeing:

And why don't we wear ties when camping?
Or I am envisioning:

So, at 11:23 at night, I wrote:
Burrrrh! we are chilled to the bone
The crocuses have yet to bemoan
The soil it is frozen
it was I who was chosen
in this yard I must find sandy loam
In the Spring I am asked to create
An Eden! or something ornate
Their desire is real
In Spring with such Zeal
I'll do it- - cause they are sedate
There once was a snail named King Lear
In his shell he had nothing to fear
He ate and he ate
the sweet herbs --he'd eviscerate
all was well
'til he fell
In the Beer
In a trailer this fall I'll contemplate
My navel, your garden, my fate
Funky must do
for I cannot pay for new
My friends in Oly* will capitulate
*Oly- Olympia
My friend Mara said, "While they are not funny, I find myself laughing anyway. "
High praise for a limerick.
Here is a Photo:

Naming Contest will commence soon.
Now, you may be looking at trailer trash - trash. (note cat door and steps)
I am seeing:

And why don't we wear ties when camping?
Or I am envisioning:

Congratulations on the trailer. That ad from 1936 is a dream! I'm sure Virginia Woolf, the writer, would appreciate your checking the spelling of her name as much as readers with a respect for the language and for literature appreciate it. You even link to a wikipedia entry with the name spelled correctly without editing your post! (The vintage trailer link leads nowhere, by the way.)
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