Thursday, December 08, 2005

Santi Klaz

In an effort to eliminate my ability to do Anything, this morning I burned my left hand baking the kids breaky. Jeeze. I have ONE, count ‘em One limb working in its entirely.

This morning Ellie climbed in my bed at some hours between I am not sure and 7. I asked her to read the clock for me…(of course my eyes don’t work either) and she said “It is Seven Oh Eight.” And hopped out of bed and said to Phoenix, “It is Seven Oh Eight, we can get up now. And we can light the Christmas Lights.” Last night we, (Jean) got our xmas tree up. Our planned guests needed to cancel and ellie, to my surprise, said, well…this will be a family time and that is probably better. Jean said, yes, ellie. That will be good. Phoenix and Ellie each wrote letters to Santi Klaz as well to put in there shoes tonight for SK to find. I'll scan those in later.

So I cooked dinner almost all by myself, and Anne Kelly and jean-jean, Kim, Phoenix, Gavin, Ellison and I had a family dinner and decorated the tree. It was a very nice evening.

Today I met a man named John. I stopped while walking on the sunny side of the street on my to coffee. He had a scooter, kinda big. It was a 600 cc scooter with a side car. He was warm and friendly and eager to show me the map of where he had driven. Most of the western states. His highlights of his route was squiggly. All of the controls to the scooter were on the left handle. John had a stroke and right side was effected and ability to come up w/ the right word. While he was visibly frustrated, he was good natured about it. He gave me his card cause he couldn't pronounce his last name. He is an artist. A painter. Amazing.

A month of left-handedness seems like a blessing comparatively.


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