Moon Setting
Last night I woke up at two and considered staying up, as it was such a stunningly beautiful moon setting in the west and, after all, I went to bed at 8pm. I decided against it and went back to sleep. Imagine a nearly full moon, with just a tad shaved off the bottom left side. The night was clear and there is a faint line of a single cloud above it. It was the color of a creamsicle. I am thinking perhaps I cannot do it justice with the creamsicle comparison. I suppose it depends on how you feel about creamsicles. If you take the image of a creamsicle, and the image of the moon, you might be able to mix them together in your mind and get an idea of what I was looin' at. Or you might just want to set your alarm for some time around 2 am and look out the window tonight. Creamsicle, now there is one of those words that kinda stops having meaning the more you say or read it. Creamsicle. It's the sicle part, I think.

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