Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Originally uploaded by sasadler.
* Full Moon is tonight at 9:14 PM.  Also called the Strawberry Moon

* As I write this, the moon is 96.8% full

* Summer began at 11:46PM on June 20th.  14 minutes to the 21st.

* The sun rose at 5:11Am and will set tonight at 9:11Pm


Ellie asked yesterday as we were eating breakfast on the front porch with the teen age chickens. All of whom are alive, last I checked.

"Yes," I replied.

"When chicks are born, before they can walk, do they drink milk?"

I said, "Do you know what a mammal is?"

"Yes. We are mammals, Thomas is a mammal, and whales are mammals."

I then told her that all mammals have hair and feed their babies milk. She said, Chicken's have hair. But it is feathers. I told her feathers were different from hair.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Overachievers Abound

Ellie grad
Originally uploaded by sasadler.

On Monday, Ellie walked down the hall in a royal blue cap and gown graduating with her peers from Kindergarten. While there was Pomp and Circumstance, there was no Valedictorian . There was, however, ice cream and cake and the sun was out. Yippee. She was cute and proud.

Now my brother's in Prague showing his art. I wish I were there.

What the heck am I doing to brag about???

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Conquering the French

I went--or more accurately, I am at my friend--or more accurately, my friend's wife's house playing Scrabble. I thought...Carl is climbing Mt Olympus...(how butch is that????) and thought, hell, I'll go play Scrabble with the French girl. How hard can it be to beat the socks off her? Her first word used all the letters and was worth 76 points. She told me, as I was asking her what her mother was doing. She was playing some kind of crossword, in French, that looked difficult. Drino said, "Did I tell you?..it runs in the family."

No. She hadn't told me. She had 2 gazillion points when I reached 42.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Baby Chicks

Are no longer the size of a quarter at all. They are gangly teenagers. And not the brightest porchlights on the block. However, they are on the porch under a light. They like to take the food and kick it out of the bowl, jump in the water bowl, and do other unspeakables in said bowls. If they starve because of their habbit of jumping in the food bowl and 'scratching' it all out below the mesh of their cage, is it really my fault???

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


Ellie is a swimmer as of some moment between 6:30 and 6:50 PM. Amazing.