Saturday, December 31, 2005

Not so Butch at Butches on Aurora

It is me, Mama Sal, SA, Sally Anne again.
You know how things come in threes? Or maybe they really don't and people might just only be able to count to three or not notices anything until three things happen. jeeze, now I am getting worried that there is something to this and I should be expecting some major or minor orthopedic event to happen soon.

ANYWAY....I digress. So, the three electrical appliances fiascos of twothousandfive, or the last month...My Cuisinart, my sewing machine and my hard drive on Maurice, my mac. Yukky.

BUT..........That is not why I am writing you all today. I am writing to illustrate the difference between the regulations to own and operate two different deadly tools. I am sure you may already know all this, but I just experienced first hand how profoundly easy it is to have a gun in this city, in this state.

To drive a Car the user has to:
* be 16
* get your parents consent
* go through training
* Pass an eye exam
* Practice with a licensed driver for months
* Is re-tested periodically
* Given random performance reviews, commonly called traffic tickets and traffic school if needed

Now, to own a gun in WA state, you need to:
* have a pulse

I have insomnia which I have decided to embrace. Instead of struggling with sleep at one, two or three in the morning, I do things. Last night, for instance, I made a teapot and fired a glaze kiln and put up JC Penny Drapes from Value Village to divide the pottery studio from the rest of the garage.

While I was at my Mum's in California, (I don't call her that. I am typing on a British style keyboard. I call her Nancy, Ma, Mama or ya old bat.)

So, it was one in the morning before I was to drive to Seattle at 5 in the morning. I decided I wanted to pull out Dad's gun cabinet that is locked (however the glass door is busted)and facing the wall. I wanted to make sure there was no ammunition in any of old rifles and see what .22's were available to pilfer. I was surprised how 2005 has been the Year of My Dad. First the fishing and now the huntin'. I brought the .22 pump rifle home with a zippy case to hold it in. It all needs cleaning and rehabilitation.

I called J-J while on the road and told her the story of the new requisition. Before I finished the story, she said, "I guess we are goin' target shootin' " Yup. She also said something about my exposing ever-new facets of my personalities.
Sylvia said something similar. But more blunt. "I don't know you." She latter pointed out, after making it quite clear that she did not approve, "Ya know, you tend toward being a bit accident prone."

Yesterday I got a lovely wool cowboy hat.

Day before yesterday I asked Syl to guess where I went. She guessed Butches Gun shot on Aurora. The home of gun, pawn and other odd shops, and women who swing their purses for a living. Sylvia was right. I walked in and ask Butch, probably not his name) what requirements there were for me to license my rifle. He looked puzzled. I then asked what the requirements were for owning a handgun. None. Unless you wanted to have it concealed. So I could buy my little friend Margot a semi-automatic weapon. She is four.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

A New Contributor to the Blog

I asked Mama Sal if I could have a blog of my own. She said no, but as a compromise, she would let me add my own unique point of view to her blog and see if it catches on.

As you may have read earlier, I am a nearly perfect dog. I usually come when I am called, unless there is something more important happening. My priorities are chasing cats and squirrels, cuddling on the couch with whomever happens to be there and then doing anything Mama Sal tells me to. I like to follow her everywhere, but to be honest, it is all in hope of finding something to sniff or chase.

I am currently at my cousin Taffy's house in California, I think. I don't notice much difference, it has rained every day except for one sunny day when I went on a walk with uncle Jon and got covered with little things called burrs. Mama Sal cut them off and cut the back of my leg...but I didn't complain at all. I am that kind of dog. I liked the attention.

Ellie got a baby for Christmas. She pees. Ellie is all excited about that. When I pee, no one gets excited at all.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Santi Klaz

In an effort to eliminate my ability to do Anything, this morning I burned my left hand baking the kids breaky. Jeeze. I have ONE, count ‘em One limb working in its entirely.

This morning Ellie climbed in my bed at some hours between I am not sure and 7. I asked her to read the clock for me…(of course my eyes don’t work either) and she said “It is Seven Oh Eight.” And hopped out of bed and said to Phoenix, “It is Seven Oh Eight, we can get up now. And we can light the Christmas Lights.” Last night we, (Jean) got our xmas tree up. Our planned guests needed to cancel and ellie, to my surprise, said, well…this will be a family time and that is probably better. Jean said, yes, ellie. That will be good. Phoenix and Ellie each wrote letters to Santi Klaz as well to put in there shoes tonight for SK to find. I'll scan those in later.

So I cooked dinner almost all by myself, and Anne Kelly and jean-jean, Kim, Phoenix, Gavin, Ellison and I had a family dinner and decorated the tree. It was a very nice evening.

Today I met a man named John. I stopped while walking on the sunny side of the street on my to coffee. He had a scooter, kinda big. It was a 600 cc scooter with a side car. He was warm and friendly and eager to show me the map of where he had driven. Most of the western states. His highlights of his route was squiggly. All of the controls to the scooter were on the left handle. John had a stroke and right side was effected and ability to come up w/ the right word. While he was visibly frustrated, he was good natured about it. He gave me his card cause he couldn't pronounce his last name. He is an artist. A painter. Amazing.

A month of left-handedness seems like a blessing comparatively.