Echo Lake
I am trying to teach E. how to hold two things in her mind and heart at the same time. A hard thing for all of us. She misses Seattle and the other mother, but is having a blast up at the lake. It is a hard thing to balance. I feel mixed feelings about everything. Sometimes the sadness feels overwhelming, knowing we are going to be putting Taffy down any day now, worried about Ellie being homesick, dealing with family conflicts, worried about my neice and nephew...Balance that with the brown creeper scooting up the lodgepole pine in the front of the cabin, Ellie identifying birds, correctly I might add, the AMAZING double rainbow arching between flagpole peak and beckers peak last evening, my incredible fortune to have a loveing family, friends, and a natrual world that sends me into wonder anytime I take the time to really notice it. Is the glass half full? Have empty? Gray, black, white. I don't know.