Tuesday, August 29, 2006

MS 150

I am going to ride the MS 150. We Northwesterners get MS more than most. Don't know why. I am curious to know, so I am supporting the research to find out why. If you are curious too, you may want to pledge to the cause under my name. Which is Sally Anne Sadler, by the way.

Monday, August 28, 2006


Click the title to see a picture of Chuckie V, a high school friend of Jon's.

He is a retired professional athlete. I am at the very beginning of my career as a triathlete. And I am older than him!!! I don't think I'll make a living at it, though.

When I was putting my bike in the car, I set the wheel against the back of the car. When I did it, I thought, "Sal, you should really think about putting the wheel in first." I didn't. I drove away without my wheel. I wonder if Chuckie V ever forgot his wheel???

To read about Chuckie's trip, and see some AMAZING pictures, here is the link. Echo Lake is on the PCT, by the way.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Well, I didn't win

I know. It is a shock. But I didn't win. I am feeling okay about it too! I came in first of my age group of all the people registered on my block, from my house. Or I am pretty sure I did, anyway.

The entire time of the race I kept wondering if I was going to finish, not in a panicky way, but just idly wondering if this last stroke or step would be my last. For the race or the last ever…

Two people commented on my argyle socks. Though I didn’t look at all of the participants feet, I did look at many, and I didn’t see any other argyle socks.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Danskin Triathalon is tomorrow

I've been laying out the gear for tomorrows big race. And I really look at it like a race. Today I went to the expo with 4999 (really) other women to pick up my very own Danskin Tank Top, entered a drawing for very own 3000 (again - - really)dollar trek bicycle, got a goody bag that was full of really useful stuff, including my very own pink lipstick.
Anyway, after carefully reading all of the illuminating materials informing us of all of our theretofore unrealized needs, I remembered socks. I neglected to buy socks for the race, not realizing that I, of course, would not be able to fine any in my sock/bra/underwear/ace bandage/bandana/pocket knife drawer. Which, of course, I cannot. I looked into my drawer and found a brand spankin' new Jon inspired pair of of argyles. I am so going to win.