Cacophony of Crows
Post nap, Sylvia came got me to deliver the crow. The parents were there, one of whom was biting the TV antenna. They didn’t seem too happy to see me, and the baby looked a little dazed. “Mom, Dad, I don’t even know where to begin. There was a bunny, a dog, a house…I had the strangest morning.”
Since we were there, we went on a walk in a big field at the park. The dogs were in heaven in the tall grass. I thought Thomas was lying down in the grass, but alas, he was just completely covered by it.
I found a stack of plastic cards, including a Tower of Records and REI gift card. Things were looking up. We stepped over the body and retrieved the cards and headed to Tower and bought a CD of Charlie Patton, a blues guitar fellow from the dawn of time.
So….go ahead and guess what all the fuss was about when Sylvia and I were playing cribbage on the front porch??? Thomas lept off the front porch and 3 crows plus a few more were making a horrible racket. That’s right. Another fledgling. I took it out of its hiding place it had found hopping away from Thomas, and set it out on the lawn for the parents to coach. No wonder they are so obnoxious. They start out, jumping from a nest and have their parents yell at them ‘til they learn to fly.