Friday, November 25, 2005

Thanksgiving and effort to take the high road, I invited my ex and her lastest and greatest one and only true love over for T-Day. You would easily recognize her as she was the one in constant physical contact with the afore mentioned ex. Also, they dressed the same.

It all went okay, I did a lot of ordering about of people who came to help me prepare the feast. LGOOTL seemed uncomfortable. I had proposed a practice meal before hand, but the ex veto'd that ider. I think that would have helped the new girl get used to things around this house. Or has Kim put it, I could get all of my sarcastic comments out of the way before hand.

HOWEVER...let us focus on the positve. I had a terrific time playing pictionary with Ellie, JJ and AK.

If you were a Turkey, how would you like to be killed?
Chased into traffic by 12 yr old boys?
Looking into the sky and let the rain drown me?
Shot in the head with a shot gun?
Suicide by pecking open a bottle of Tylenol and Percocet?
Neck Ringing?

Free polls from

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

And Me Without My Camera

Today after dropping ellie off at school, I saw a 90ish year old feller driving one of those motorized scooter chair things. He was wearing a sombreo, with an origami crane taped onto the top. His basket was full of his Mobile Operating Gear or MOG. Usually the Mog consists of a cell phone, ipod, perhaps a laptop, keys... In this case, it looked like glasses cases, Kleenex, and medicine bottles.

He drove at healthy clip down the middle of Leary way, a major arterial, and then up a hill to cross Freemont Ave's 4 lanes of traffic without a pause.

My boss, Uncle Bob is being honored in WA DC--again. He is an amazing fellow, born in the ID, and a community activist that changed Seattle for the better in a gajillion ways over the last 50 odd years. Anyway, I am going to the dinner. It is a black tie event. I am looking for something that will go well with mr blue sling. See earlier posting for photo.

Monday, November 21, 2005

12 Pictures is Worth 3 words

Radial Head Fracture

Well... the day start smoothly enough. My arm was feeling pretty good. I went to the PA and he said it was progressing nicely, to take it out of the splint casty thing as much as I wanted and by the end of the week I should be in pretty good shape.

I went home and he called. I answered. Reluctantly. He said the radiology report came in and that little thing that might have been a fracture needed more film taken of it. So I went in for more films. These they couldn't have taken Friday, on accounta I woulda screamed bloody murder. I looked at the four additional films and saw as plain as day in one of them a nice clear crack. Shit. The PA wanted to cast my whole arm. The orthopod said nah...keep it immobile w/ a splint and ace and keep it in a sling for a few weeks, then start PT.

Up to the minute diagnosis brought to you by Group Health Cooperative. TM

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day

Originally uploaded by sasadler.
i am typing with my left hand cause i did something bad to my arm. i fell from a small ledge, and in the interest of protecting my knee that still isn't bomb proof...i landed on my right hand, compressing my elbow. which is bad. Now I have a half cast and sling.

What!!! What is the message here??? Karma for what??? to much taking care of others??? I asked JJ what she thought...she thought the lesson was to not ever skip breakfast.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Could be worse

I came across this self discription of Bill Bryson's napping on the beach on another blog Fussy. I was reminded of this this morning when my daughter said, "Mama. Mama! Wake up. You are snoring." It could be worse, thought I.

I am not, I regret to say, a discreet and fetching sleeper. Most people when they nod off look as if they could do with a blanket; I look as if I could do with medical attention. I sleep as if injected with a powerful experimental muscle relaxant. My legs fall open in a grotesque come-hither manner; my knuckles brush the floor. Whatever is inside -- tongue, uvula, moist bubbles of intestinal air -- decides to leak out. From time to time, like one of those nodding-duck toys, my head tips forward to empty a quart or so of viscous drool onto my lap, then falls back to begin loading again with a noise like a toilet cistern filling. And I snore, hugely and helplessly, like a cartoon character, with rubbery flapping lips and prolonged steam-valve exhalations. For long periods I grow unnaturally still, in a way that inclines onlookers to exchange glances and lean forward in concern, then dramatically I stiffen and, after a tantalizing pause, begin to bounce and jostle in a series of whole-body spasms of the sort that bring to mind an electric chair when the switch is thrown. Then I shriek once or twice in a piercing and effeminate manner and wake up to find that all motion within five hundred feet has stopped and all children under eight are clutching their mothers' hems. It's a terrible burden to bear.
From In a Sunburned Country by Bill Bryson.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Big Mama

Originally uploaded by sasadler.
For those or that regular reader(s)...this is a picture of a Hornworm Moth. The mother of that tomater eatin' critter on my mama's balcony.
In this picture, she is eating the nectar of a Larkspur. A relative of the more familiar Delphinium. It is a delphinium species, I believe. But I digress.

Anyway, this delicate little moth is the mother to those enormous caterpillars.

Morally Superior

Originally uploaded by sasadler.
Okay, my friend whom I will call Sue, onaccounta that being her name, pointed out that I really adore my work companion because it makes me feel, well...orderly. THAT IS SO TRUE. The moral superiority I feel cannot be understated. No matter how bad things get on my desk at home, dresser, the side of my house where I store crab pots, kayaks, garden tools, traps, a rowing shell, hoses, garbage cans, animal cages and the kid's bikes, (breath...) OR the floor of my pick-up, my bedroom floor, my desk at my office, the shed at the garden...let's say, it will never get as bad as this fellow's desk.

I rely on others to define my moral standing in the world. First, I sold my car out of poverty, but then got bragging rights for downsizing.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Nearly a deal breaker

Originally uploaded by sasadler.
When I was offered this job, I accepted the offer before I looked at my loft workspace.

In fact, the previous fellow who held this position, and others around the office decided not to show me it first.

Why??? Well, the fellow next to me has never thrown away a peice of paper in his life.

We are moving in January. I get a new office space away from my current companion.

A few days later

SA growing mustache 2
Originally uploaded by sasadler.
I, for one, think it has grown in nicely.

Thank you tissue donor

SA growing mustache
Originally uploaded by sasadler.
Last week I got a new ligiment complete with screw and plugs made out of bone. This came from someone who had on their drivers license that they would donate their body when they die.

My friend Patti asked me if I have had any unusual craving since I got my new parts. I said no, but I seem to be growing a mustache and jazz patch.

So much Prettier than this...

Originally uploaded by sasadler.
Last night Mars was dangling from the nearly full moon, like a little reddish diamond, directly below the moon. It was stunningly brilliant.

Seattle's weather cooperated, after a week of rain, it was cold and clear last night.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Making a living

Originally uploaded by sasadler.
When I went down to be with Mom on the Autumnal Equinox, though that was not the reason for my vist...but wouldn't that be cool. "I think I'll go home and hang with mom and see if the day is really equal to the night." But that wasn't it, I went to drive mother to the hospital and to pick Large Green Tomato worms off her tomato plant on the back porch. I'm curious about the little moth who lays this egg that becomes this impressive creature.

We don't have these in Seattle. Slugs are our catch all pest that grows to an impressive size.