Friday, June 30, 2006
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Satanists, apocalypse watchers and heavy metal guitarists may have to adjust their demonic numerology after a recently deciphered ancient biblical text revealed that 666 is not the fabled Number of the Beast after all.
A fragment from the oldest surviving copy of the New Testament, dating to the Third century, gives the more mundane 616 as the mark of the Antichrist.
Ellen Aitken, a professor of early Christian history at McGill University, said the discovery appears to spell the end of 666 as the devil's prime number.
"This is a very nice piece to find," Dr. Aitken said. "Scholars have argued for a long time over this, and it now seems that 616 was the original number of the beast."
The tiny fragment of 1,500-year-old papyrus is written in Greek, the original language of the New Testament, and contains a key passage from the Book of Revelation.
See Also
Cashing in on 6-6-06
Wedding couples pick the 'Devil's date'
What is the meaning of 666?
Interpreting the Bible's Symbols and Types
Where more conventional versions of the Bible give 666 as the "number of the beast," or the sign of the anti-Christ whose coming is predicted in the book's apocalyptic verses, the older version uses the Greek letters signifying 616.
"This is very early confirmation of that number, earlier than any other text we've found of that passage," Dr. Aitken said. "It's probably about 100 years before any other version."
The fragment was part of a hoard of previously illegible manuscripts discovered in an ancient garbage dump outside the Egyptian city of Oxyrhynchus. Although the papyrus was first excavated in 1895, it was badly discoloured and damaged. Classics scholars at Oxford University were only recently able to read it using new advanced imaging techniques.
Elijah Dann, a professor of philosophy and religion at the University of Toronto, said the new number is unlikely to make a dent in the popularity of 666.
"Otherwise, a lot of sermons would have to be changed and a lot of movies rewritten," he said with a laugh. "There's always someone with an active imagination who can put another interpretation on it.
"It just shows you that when you study something as cryptic and mystic as the Book of Revelation there's an almost unlimited number of interpretations."
The book is thought to have been written by the disciple John and according to the King James Bible, the traditional translation of the passage reads: "Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."
Dr. Aitken said, however, that scholars now believe the number in question has very little to do the devil. It was actually a complicated numerical riddle in Greek, meant to represent someone's name, she said.
"It's a number puzzle -- the majority opinion seems to be that it refers to [the Roman emperor] Nero."
Revelation was actually a thinly disguised political tract, with the names of those being criticized changed to numbers to protect the authors and early Christians from reprisals. "It's a very political document," Dr. Aitken said. "It's a critique of the politics and society of the Roman empire, but it's written in coded language and riddles."
A fragment from the oldest surviving copy of the New Testament, dating to the Third century, gives the more mundane 616 as the mark of the Antichrist.
Ellen Aitken, a professor of early Christian history at McGill University, said the discovery appears to spell the end of 666 as the devil's prime number.
"This is a very nice piece to find," Dr. Aitken said. "Scholars have argued for a long time over this, and it now seems that 616 was the original number of the beast."
The tiny fragment of 1,500-year-old papyrus is written in Greek, the original language of the New Testament, and contains a key passage from the Book of Revelation.
See Also
Cashing in on 6-6-06
Wedding couples pick the 'Devil's date'
What is the meaning of 666?
Interpreting the Bible's Symbols and Types
Where more conventional versions of the Bible give 666 as the "number of the beast," or the sign of the anti-Christ whose coming is predicted in the book's apocalyptic verses, the older version uses the Greek letters signifying 616.
"This is very early confirmation of that number, earlier than any other text we've found of that passage," Dr. Aitken said. "It's probably about 100 years before any other version."
The fragment was part of a hoard of previously illegible manuscripts discovered in an ancient garbage dump outside the Egyptian city of Oxyrhynchus. Although the papyrus was first excavated in 1895, it was badly discoloured and damaged. Classics scholars at Oxford University were only recently able to read it using new advanced imaging techniques.
Elijah Dann, a professor of philosophy and religion at the University of Toronto, said the new number is unlikely to make a dent in the popularity of 666.
"Otherwise, a lot of sermons would have to be changed and a lot of movies rewritten," he said with a laugh. "There's always someone with an active imagination who can put another interpretation on it.
"It just shows you that when you study something as cryptic and mystic as the Book of Revelation there's an almost unlimited number of interpretations."
The book is thought to have been written by the disciple John and according to the King James Bible, the traditional translation of the passage reads: "Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."
Dr. Aitken said, however, that scholars now believe the number in question has very little to do the devil. It was actually a complicated numerical riddle in Greek, meant to represent someone's name, she said.
"It's a number puzzle -- the majority opinion seems to be that it refers to [the Roman emperor] Nero."
Revelation was actually a thinly disguised political tract, with the names of those being criticized changed to numbers to protect the authors and early Christians from reprisals. "It's a very political document," Dr. Aitken said. "It's a critique of the politics and society of the Roman empire, but it's written in coded language and riddles."
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
The Longest o' Days

Let's pretend, for the moment, that you're the person standing on the Earth in the picture to the left, living in Topeka, Kansas, around 40° N latitude. The picture on the left shows the view from the solar system (upper panel), and from on the surface of the earth (lower panel). Notice that some of the same features are labelled on each panel.
The upper panel shows that on the summer solstice (which occurs around June 21), the northern half of the Earth is tilted towards the Sun. Notice that the Sun is north of the equator. For you in Topeka, the altitude of the Sun at noon is 73.5°, which is pretty high in the sky. In fact, that is as high as the Sun ever gets at that latitude. It has been getting higher and higher in the sky since the winter solstice and through the vernal equinox. The bottom panel shows how the Sun moves through the sky for someone standing on the ground in Topeka.
So in general, the northern hemisphere is getting more direct sunlight, which heats the Earth most efficiently, than the southern hemisphere. This is summer for people in the northern hemisphere. During the summer, the Sun is also above the horizon longer than it is during the winter. The summer solstice is the longest day of the year.
At this same time, the southern half of the Earth is tilted away from the Sun. If you were living in Neuquen, Argentina (roughly -40° S latitude) you would be bundled up for the winter.
How high the Sun gets in your sky, and how long it is above the horizon during the day, depend not only on the season, but also on your latitude.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
I think I am engaged
After the Fiasco we'll call Heather, I have sworn off women. Oh, I did manage to fall in love with a married person, and as you can imagine, that just didn't work out either. Alas, true love can be found on-line. Are you thinking of the personal ads?, or the like? Well, phewey, I looked at that and realized if I were to write - - scratch that, if ANYONE- were to write an honest ad, no one could stand to post it. I mean, come on,
In my bedroom you'll find: Three weeks of laundry in vaious states of cleanliness.
These are the questions to help you find your true love?
Anyway, if you read the post below, the piano person who wildly, blindly supports my dreams of being a rockstar WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING ME (Talk about a supportive potential spouse...)
It is through Craigslist Free Stuff ads that I found my true love. I respoonded to the ad, asking him or her to marry me.
He or She SAID YES!
To Piano Person:
I know not if you be a woman, man or from the land o'dragons, but I loved your piano ad and have decided that I want to marry you. Let me know what you think
Sally Anne Sadler / Executive Director
WA State Farmers Market Association
Piano Person's reply:
Will I get fresh heirloom tomatoes out of the deal? Because if so, I'm in.
ME: Ohhhhhh, you can only imagine the vegetable varieties awaiting you. Succulent cherries, purple asparagus, and the cheese, OHHHHH, the cheese, sublime blues, creamy and complex, the word decadent only scratches the surface of the corporeal experience…
I don't want to start a riot with the descriptions fashions....of the baseball caps and shopping bags. Out of respect, I must stop.
PP: Two pounds a week of Mt. Townsend Creamery's "Seastack" and you're on.
My honey understands that I'd leave in a second for the promise of cheese.
ME: That is a a truly enlightened soul you are entangled with. Don't leave said sweetheart for me. But we could have a an Illicit online affair around the joys of gastronomy.
PP Oh, definitely.
In my bedroom you'll find: Three weeks of laundry in vaious states of cleanliness.
These are the questions to help you find your true love?
Anyway, if you read the post below, the piano person who wildly, blindly supports my dreams of being a rockstar WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING ME (Talk about a supportive potential spouse...)
It is through Craigslist Free Stuff ads that I found my true love. I respoonded to the ad, asking him or her to marry me.
He or She SAID YES!
To Piano Person:
I know not if you be a woman, man or from the land o'dragons, but I loved your piano ad and have decided that I want to marry you. Let me know what you think
Sally Anne Sadler / Executive Director
WA State Farmers Market Association
Piano Person's reply:
Will I get fresh heirloom tomatoes out of the deal? Because if so, I'm in.
ME: Ohhhhhh, you can only imagine the vegetable varieties awaiting you. Succulent cherries, purple asparagus, and the cheese, OHHHHH, the cheese, sublime blues, creamy and complex, the word decadent only scratches the surface of the corporeal experience…
I don't want to start a riot with the descriptions fashions....of the baseball caps and shopping bags. Out of respect, I must stop.
PP: Two pounds a week of Mt. Townsend Creamery's "Seastack" and you're on.
My honey understands that I'd leave in a second for the promise of cheese.
ME: That is a a truly enlightened soul you are entangled with. Don't leave said sweetheart for me. But we could have a an Illicit online affair around the joys of gastronomy.
PP Oh, definitely.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Piano for Catapult Artist
Gavin had a great idea, How about a Piano in Every ROOM??? SO I look on The Source, and here is one ad for a free Piano. I am thinking of asking the author to marry me. He or She is a riot. And that's is all I want in a mate.
If your son or daughter has been begging for an in-home piano so as to avoid the tiny, funky-smelling practice rooms at school, this is not your piano. If you cherish Glen Gould's fingers on a Steinway grand, this is definitely not your piano. But if you don't care about technicalities like, say, notes being in tune or fully functioning black and white keys, I have your instrument.
This small-scale upright piano is about four feet long and two feet deep, and is painted fire-engine red. Rumor has it that this piano was originally installed in Tacoma's historic Pantages Theater, but whether you buy that depends on your willingness to believe that the mark "Dittman" was ever an illustrious movie house piano. It's in decent physical shape, but there is a burn mark on the top surface, most likely from where its previous owner left an opium pipe.
No, it doesn't sound good playing Fur Elise or the Moonlight Sonata. But it's extremely heavy, and I bet it'll make a wonderful thunk/plong/crash noise when it lands. Or perhaps with some love and care, you can restore it and I'll see you pounding away on it as frontperson for the next big Seattle band. I'm pulling for you. Really.
I love this piano, but sadly, I'm moving to a 2nd floor apartment with no elevator. If I want to get it inside, it will need to be crane and pulleyed up through the window. I have seen too many cartoons to think this is a good idea.
You must be able to come pick it up on Queen Anne by Friday, June 23. Also, you must bring some strong folks to help you load it into your catapult. You must aim the catapult away from my apartment as I am hoping to get my deposit back.
If your son or daughter has been begging for an in-home piano so as to avoid the tiny, funky-smelling practice rooms at school, this is not your piano. If you cherish Glen Gould's fingers on a Steinway grand, this is definitely not your piano. But if you don't care about technicalities like, say, notes being in tune or fully functioning black and white keys, I have your instrument.
This small-scale upright piano is about four feet long and two feet deep, and is painted fire-engine red. Rumor has it that this piano was originally installed in Tacoma's historic Pantages Theater, but whether you buy that depends on your willingness to believe that the mark "Dittman" was ever an illustrious movie house piano. It's in decent physical shape, but there is a burn mark on the top surface, most likely from where its previous owner left an opium pipe.
No, it doesn't sound good playing Fur Elise or the Moonlight Sonata. But it's extremely heavy, and I bet it'll make a wonderful thunk/plong/crash noise when it lands. Or perhaps with some love and care, you can restore it and I'll see you pounding away on it as frontperson for the next big Seattle band. I'm pulling for you. Really.
I love this piano, but sadly, I'm moving to a 2nd floor apartment with no elevator. If I want to get it inside, it will need to be crane and pulleyed up through the window. I have seen too many cartoons to think this is a good idea.
You must be able to come pick it up on Queen Anne by Friday, June 23. Also, you must bring some strong folks to help you load it into your catapult. You must aim the catapult away from my apartment as I am hoping to get my deposit back.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Another Reason to Move to New Zealand
Have you ever wondered... "Just how nifty it would be to turn your shit into something useful?" How about running a car on it? As you may or may not know, I have bought a car that I run on Bio-Diesel. I have wanted to do the straight veggie oil thing, but that just ain't good for cars. Tractors maybe, but not my Peugeot. Anyway, now New Zealand has done it again. They have converted sewage into BioDiesel. Pretty cool, eh?
Yet another unexpected thing you can make out of another thing. Like a bamboo bicycle. But different.
Yet another unexpected thing you can make out of another thing. Like a bamboo bicycle. But different.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Things Made out of Things that you might not normally associatiate with said Thing

Did you follow that? Shall we start with Bamboo? Bamboo, is a pretty incredible thing, if'n' ya ask me. Bamboo hats Bamboo Shoots,, Bamboo Socks, Fly Rods And of course, the Coffin and the Bicycle.
While researching this article, (think days, not minutes), I ran across a website that is called 1000 thngs you can make with bamboo. My friend thought of two more. The oh-so-handy Bong and as a tool for torture. No photos suitabe there.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
I don't have a title
On accounta my not knowing what I'm gonna write about. But I miss being obsessed about other things than the various giant projects that I have going....pottery, refinishing a boat, building a room upstairs, raising children, getting a home for a dog that we are now getting quite attached to....
* Ellie is missing her bottom two teeth. Finally. She is so happy that the tooth fairy is alive and well.
* Phoenix got a watch that not only tells time, but times things like how long it took him to pee yesterday morning. 15 seconds, by the way.
* I wanted to remind you all to learn everything you need to know about Biodiesel from my neighbor BioLyle This is a How-to film, as well as a passable substitute for seeing Mission Impossible III.
* Ellie is missing her bottom two teeth. Finally. She is so happy that the tooth fairy is alive and well.
* Phoenix got a watch that not only tells time, but times things like how long it took him to pee yesterday morning. 15 seconds, by the way.
* I wanted to remind you all to learn everything you need to know about Biodiesel from my neighbor BioLyle This is a How-to film, as well as a passable substitute for seeing Mission Impossible III.