Thursday, November 23, 2006
I told you I was gonna say it. Ta-Da! I did two more loads of laundry, cleaned up 5 different excretions from the dog and baked a funny looking pie w/Ellie. Ta-Da! It is really amazing how productive I can be if I set my mind to it or if Charlie barfs throughout the house.

I am thankful for the fact that I have gone 369 days without breaking a single bone. I have also gone 8 months without health insurance, so breaking a bone would be really inconvenient. I'm really thankful that my basement only flooded a little bit, my right foot only hurts a little bit and I only am a little bit over-drawn. See? Could things get more dreamy than this? I don't see how. I didn't get hit by a car, or a troll for well over a month, I haven't scared away or run away from any girls, again, in over a month.
These days are going to be known as the Halcyon Days. Just look outside and you'll see.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
I have been reading bits of the woman Amy Rosenthal’s book and have been inspired. I thought about the everyday miracles that happen in my life. Some are actually pretty darn, well, miraculous. For example, I got up. Yup, today I got up and it was WAYYYYYYYY before noon. I did two, count ‘em, two loads of laundry. Not one. 2. I put Ellison’s cloths in her drawer.
Amy suggested we say Ta-Da! When we do something amazing. So you will be hearing me say Ta-Da a lot from now on, I tell ya.
Ready? "Ta-Da!"
Amy suggested we say Ta-Da! When we do something amazing. So you will be hearing me say Ta-Da a lot from now on, I tell ya.
Ready? "Ta-Da!"
Please Leave a Messag After the Tone
Hi. This is Amy Please leave a message with your name, number, and the time you called; the nature of your call; a good time to get back to you; whether or not you screen; one argument for and one argument against call waiting; your PIN number, SAT scores, and sexual orientation; the name of a good contractor; whether you've ever taken anyone's cab and then later felt remorse; a recipe for a nice brisket; how often you get up at night to use the bathroom; the three people you admire least; what song on the radio compels you to turn the volume up and sing your happy head off ("Tempted" by Squeeze, every time); what you would say if I told you that not only was I for capital punishment, but that, for particularly heinous crimes, I advocate preceding death with very slow torture; if you wouldn't mind looking at a few pictures of my kids; if you wouldn't mind -- and I know this may be pushing it -- taking my kids overnight so I could get one good night's sleep; how old you were when you lost your virginity and if it was younger than, older than, or about what you thought it would be; if you can think of a way to better sum it all up than Kierkegaard with his simple paradox about having to live life forward but only understanding it backward; what memory makes you cringe with embarrassment; why the word underwear feels sophisticated compared to the silly-sounding underpants; how many monks you know on a first-name basis; whether you've ever gotten the giggles at a funeral; what it is you would hang over your bed in jail. And I'll call you back.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Who Knew???

I just learned what the 3rd highest peak is in WA state. Are you willing to guess? The answer is hidden in the link of this message. Now you people who live outside of WA might not give a fig about such important issues. Or perhaps you do. Anyway, I thought it was interesting. Either way, ain't it purdy?
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Usually I am pretty darn grumpy at this time of year

For the past...let me think now....wait, hold on, I know, EVER, I have watched the election returns with a sinking dark feeling, sure that there has either been a terrible terrible mistake or there has been a massive nation-wide death of reason. Tonight, I am happy, giddy maybe even. Well, not giddy, but slightly optimistic that there might be hope for the future of democracy in America and GW might be held accountable for one or two of his crimes. I know, I know... don't get all Polly Anna on me.
That is Nancy from that westward city of sin, San Francisco, our new Speaker o' the House! First woman ever, third in line to the big chair. Yippee!!!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Last summer we hiked from our cabin up to Saucer Lake, which is up and over the ridge from our cabin at Echo Lake
Our cabin, if you followed the link, is no where near where that photo was taken. Any way, Anne, Eric, David, Janine, Camille, Toren, Alec, Aidan, Ellie, Thomas, Charlie and I hiked up to Saucer and went swimming. I didn't take the above photo. A satellite did. The lake is cold in July. But I think we all went in, except maybe David. Now, if you notice, it is the white bit on the left of the photo, it is really cold.