Wallingford Coming Out Day
When I proposed the trip, Ellie was concerned because we only had one kids smock. I suggested the 4 of them could all wear some of my t-shirts. I came out with a purple triangled shirt reading, "Queers As Far As the Eyes Can See" and a Keith Herring one that read, "National Coming Out Day"
They looked radical.
We headed north and the kids were all great. We started with hand building. Phoenix was anxious to try the "Spinner." I told them it was called a Wheel. Aidan decided it was called a "Spinning Wheel."
Ellie told them what an expert she was at throwing pots, having tried it once before a few days before, and that she would show them how to do it. I told her that perhaps I would demonstrate. She stood along my side and ran the vocal commentary while I centered a ball of clay.
"See how she is holding her hands really still and pushing and pressing? That is really important. Isn't it, Mama?"
She wanted her friends to know how close she was to something so cool and magical as clay.
I held each of the children's hands in turn and helped them throw their very own pot. They were happy with what they made.